Example of humorous author bio

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Today, I am delighted to bring you the winning entry in the recent Author! Author! Rings True literary competition, Bruce Alford of Mobile, Alabama.
Tips and Examples For Writing Interesting.
15.02.2011 · Not only is it useful to know what you need to include in an author bio, it is also useful to see examples of how your vital information should look. This Tips for Writing Bios Author! Author! » Author bio
Writing an Author Bio - Examples of.
Author Biography Samples
There are so no such guidelines you need to follow while writing author bio, but it is useful if you follow some basic steps to get more out of your author bio

Write a bio using our free biography samples and examples for reference. Professional bio templates and examples.
This article will cover both what you need to include in your author bio and some examples of tight professional bios. The Six Rules You Should Use to Write a
Typical Author Bio